Ricoh GR III Street Edition


Whаt ѕераrаtеѕ Ricoh GR III Street Edition frоm thе ѕtаndаrd GR-ІІІ іѕ іtѕ ѕресіаlіѕеd mеtаllіс grеу fіnіѕh аnd аn аѕрhаlt-lіkе ѕurfасе tехturе аlоng wіth аn оrаngе-уеllоw lеnѕ rіng.

Тhіѕ kіt аlѕо іnсludеѕ а GС-9 lеаthеr саѕе аnd а ѕесоnd bаttеrу

It is a highly-advanced, 24.24-megapixel compact with a wide-angle 18.3mm f2.8 lens and large APS-C-size image sensor. New features over its predecessor, the GR-II, include a faster AF system, an originally developed Shake Reduction mechanism, and touch-screen operation, to improve operability and functionality. Perfect for street and architectural photography, the GR-III also offers a 6cm minimum focusing distance, Full HD movie recording and Crop Mode.

Available on back-order


Key Features: Ricoh GR III Street Edition

  • Newly designed, high-resolution GR 18.3mm f2.8 lens (28mm in the 35mm format)
  • High-quality, high-resolution 24.24MP images with intuitive, responsive snapshot capabilities
  • Full HD movie recording (1920 x 1080 pixels, 60 frame rate) in the H.264 recording format
  • Hybrid AF system for high-speed autofocus operation
  • SR (Shake Reduction) mechanism effectively compensates for camera shake
  • Compact design with user-friendly features and a short start-up time of approx. 0.8 secs
  • High-definition 3.0″ LCD monitor with intuitive touch-screen operation
  • Image Control function to produce desire visual effects
  • Bluetooth and wireless LAN dual communication
  • Crop mode to capture an image at 35mm or 50mm angle of view (in the 35mm format)
  • In-camera RAW Development


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