
Showing 201–240 of 269 results

  • Manfrotto PIXI EVO Tripod


    The Manfrotto PIXI EVO is the successor to its smaller brother, the Pixi Mini, and supports a wide range of camera and lens systems weighing up to 2.5kg (5.5lbs). The PIXI EVO boasts two-section legs which are adjustable in five different steps and two different leg angles with a sliding selector, enabling low to the ground shooting. There is also the possibility to shoot in portrait mode, allowing the camera to tilt to 90° to capture the foreground and wide scene, while ensuring great stability and precision for accurate pictures.

  • Manfrotto PIXI Mini Tripod – Black


    The Manfrotto PIXI Mini is an entry-level, mini tripod suitable for holding an iPhone (with the addition of a Manfrotto KLYP case), compact camera, compact system camera (CSC) or entry level DSLR with standard lens attached. The PIXI replaces the MTT2-P02 table top tripod and is a small, versatile, lightweight tripod able to support a maximum load of 1.1kg (1100g). With a closed length of 18.5cm the PIXI can pop straight into your bag and can go wherever you go, ensuring you capture the best possible shot. The PIXI ensures your shots are sharp and is great for taking self-portraits, long exposures at night and allows you to capture photos and videos from unique angles. The PIXI features a universal ¼” screw thread.



    The MB MBAG70N is a lightweight unpadded tripod bag made to protect your tripod with mounted head which features the following: • Asymmetric tapered shape allows you to store the tripod with the head attached. Tripod legs fit comfortably in the narrower end. • Main zipper extends down the full length of the bag while wrapping around the top area to easily open and grab your tripod. • Thermoform padding for the head protects the tripod head during transport. • Can be carried using the included shoulder strap.



    The MB MBAG80N is a lightweight unpadded tripod bag made to protect your tripod with mounted head which features the following: • Asymmetric tapered shape allows you to store the tripod with the head attached. Tripod legs fit comfortably in the narrower end. • Main zipper extends down the full length of the bag while wrapping around the top area to easily open and grab your tripod. • Thermoform padding for the head protects the tripod head during transport. • Can be carried using the included shoulder strap.

  • Manfrotto X-PRO 3-Way Head


    The X-PRO 3-Way Head is Manfrotto’s most compact, precise and reliable 3-way photographic head.

    The compact closed size that makes the X-PRO so easy to pack and carry is down to its retractable levers that can be extended when needed. With the levers retracted and folded for transport, the space occupied by the head is only 13cm x 13.5cm x 13.5cm (5.1” x 5.3” x 5.3”). Friction controls on the X-PRO 3-Way Head’s tilt and portrait axes help balance the weight of camera equipment so that fine framing adjustments can be made with the locking knobs open, only locking everything down once everything’s ready. And with 3 leveling bubbles on the head, composition can be levelled precisely in-camera, reducing post production work. Sturdily built with a rugged aluminium body for reliability and durability, the X-PRO supports up to 8 kg (17.6 lbs), but weighs only 1 kg (2.2 lbs).

  • Manfrotto XPRO 3-Way Geared Head


    The Manfrotto XPRO 3-Way Geared head is a lightweight and portable solution for advanced hobbyists looking for maximum precision from a photographic head. This geared head is ideal for photography applications that require extreme framing precision, such as architecture, macro and still life. The rotating, micrometric knobs enable you to adjust the camera’s position precisely thanks to the geared movement enabling small micro steps on all three axes. Thanks to its Adapto technical body, the head only weighs 750g and is the lightest high precision head ever created by Manfrotto. Supports up to 4kg and comes with a 200PL plate.

  • Manfrotto XPRO 4-Section photo monopod


    The new 4-section XPRO Monopod is a professional photo camera monopod made to satisfy photographers who leverage the height of their monopod to get above crowds and to achieve a wide range of shooting angles.
    These state-of-the-art Manfrotto legs have inherited the perfect combination of rigidity and locking safety of professional tripod ranges like the 190 collection and 055 collection.

    This monopod is compatible with Manfrotto’s full fluid base (MVMXPROBASE) and allows you to transform your photo monopod into a professional full fluid video monopod. The innovative FLUIDTECH solution allows for a 3D fluid movement – on pan, tilt and swivel, with a pioneering technology based on a spherical system located inside the base which deliver ultimate smoothness through an expanded range of perspectives. The three retractable feet make it extremely portable when folded and allow the monopod to be easily carried everywhere.
    The MVMXPROBASE can be attached to the XPRO Photo Monopod+ by unscrewing the foot at the bottom of the monopod and convert the photo monopod to a video one for smooth video footage.
    The MVMXPROBASE is compatible with all XPRO Photo Monopods+, but the MMXPROA3B.

    The MPMXPROA4 is a 4-section monopod that reaches a height of 180cm (70.9in). As a kit with the 234RC photo monopod head and with a camera mounted on top, it greatly expands the vertical range, opening new dimensions of shooting experience.
    The new D-shaped aluminium tubes greatly improve the anti-rotation resistance throughout the monopod, following the photographer’s rapid rotation movements. Combined with the Quick Power Lock (QPL) which strongly locks the lever onto the monopod tube’s flat side, this eliminates unwanted jerky movements.
    Thanks to the newly designed leg warmer which provides exceptional grip and the dual 1/4” – 3/8” photo camera fixing screw, this new generation of monopods is handier, faster and more versatile out in the field.

    The MMXPROA3 replaces the Manfrotto 680B.

  • Manfrotto XPRO 4-Section photo monopod, carbon fibre


    The new 4-section XPRO Monopod is a professional carbon fibre monopod made to satisfy photographers who leverage the height of their monopod to get above crowds and to achieve a wide range of shooting angles.
    When paired with the  234RC photo monopod head and a camera, the shooting experience is enhanced and framing speed and versatility increase dramatically.
    It is the perfect combination of performance and portability: easy to carry while quickly moving from one shooting spot to another, with the tremendous stiffness and solidity of carbon fibre legs.

    This monopod is compatible with Manfrotto’s full fluid base (MVMXPROBASE) and allows you to transform your photo monopod into a professional full fluid video monopod. The innovative FLUIDTECH solution allows for a 3D fluid movement – on pan, tilt and swivel, with a pioneering technology based on a spherical system located inside the base which deliver ultimate smoothness through an expanded range of perspectives. The three retractable feet make it extremely portable when folded and allow the monopod to be easily carried everywhere.
    The MVMXPROBASE can be attached to the XPRO Photo Monopod+ by unscrewing the foot at the bottom of the monopod and convert the photo monopod to a video one for smooth video footage.
    The MVMXPROBASE is compatible with all XPRO Photo Monopods+, but the MMXPROA3B.

    The MPMXPROC4 is a 4-section lightweight photo camera monopod that supports up to 7kg and weighs a mere 0.6kg.
    Its 100% carbon fibre legs ensure the monopod’s supreme rigidity and high absorption of micro movements for excellent image quality. Combined with the Quick Power Lock (QPL), which strongly locks the lever thanks to an easy ergonomic mechanism, it eliminates unwanted jerky movements.
    Thanks to the newly designed leg warmer which provides exceptional grip and the dual 1/4” – 3/8” photo camera fixing screw, this new generation of monopods is handier, faster and more versatile out in the field.

    The MPMXPROC4 replaces the Manfrotto 694CX.

  • Manfrotto XPRO Ball Head with 200PL Plate


    Combining fresh design ideas and new technologies, the XPRO ball head provides a stable and drift-free platform for your camera, with a silky smooth panning action thanks to the use of grease-free polymer rings and triple wedges. The magnesium body is both light and strong; weighing in at 500g, with a maximum payload of 10kg – more than enough for a pro-level DSLR and long lens combination, plus flashgun and battery grip, should you desire. The MHXPRO-BHQ2 features two levelling bubbles and is supplied complete with a Manfrotto 200 PL plate.

  • Manfrotto XPRO Ball Head with Top Lock

    Manfrotto XPRO Ball Head with Top Lock


    The Manfrotto XPRO Ball Head with Top Lock cоmbіnes frеѕh dеѕіgn іdеаѕ аnd nеw tесhnоlоgіеѕ.

    Thе ХРRО bаll hеаd рrоvіdеѕ а ѕtаblе аnd drіft-frее рlаtfоrm fоr уоur саmеrа, wіth а ѕіlkу ѕmооth раnnіng асtіоn thаnkѕ tо thе uѕе оf grеаѕе-frее роlуmеr rіngѕ аnd trірlе wеdgеѕ.

    Тhе mаgnеѕіum bоdу іѕ bоth lіght аnd ѕtrоng; wеіghіng іn аt 520g, wіth а mахіmum рауlоаd оf 15kg – mоrе thаn еnоugh fоr а рrо-lеvеl DЅLR аnd lоng lеnѕ соmbіnаtіоn, рluѕ flаѕhgun аnd bаttеrу grір, ѕhоuld уоu dеѕіrе.

    Тhе МНХРRО-ВНQ6 fеаturеѕ twо lеvеllіng bubblеѕ аnd іѕ ѕuррlіеd соmрlеtе wіth а Маnfrоttо Тор Lосk: Аn іnnоvаtіvе аdарtоr whеrе thе саmеrа іѕ іnѕеrtеd frоm аbоvе – rаthеr thаn frоm thе ѕіdе – whісh іѕ bоth fаѕtеr аnd ѕіmрlеr.

    Тhе рlаtе fеаturеѕ а ѕаfеtу lосk tо рrеvеnt саmеrа fаllѕ; а fеаturе thе wеll-еquірреd рrоfеѕѕіоnаl wіll аррrесіаtе.

    Wе wоuld rесоmmеnd uѕіng ехсluѕіvеlу wіth а Маnfrоttо рlаtе, 3rd раrtу Аrса-Ѕtуlе quісk rеlеаѕе рlаtеѕ аrе nоt rесоmmеndеd wіth thіѕ quісk rеlеаѕе рlаtfоrm.

  • Manfrotto XPRO Fluid Video Head


    The Manfrotto XPRO Fluid Video Head is the best choice for photographers wanting to start shooting videos to expand their creativity. It’s also the best fit for birdwatchers who are using lightweight scopes to observe wildlife and digiscoping through an additional camera. The XPRO fluid head provides smooth, constant movement and is the only lightweight video head with fluidity selector: this makes it possible to switch between hard and soft fluidity according to the preferred speed of tilt movement and to the kind of gear used. Its fluid cartridge settings ensure stable videos can be made with any photo lens. Its AdaptoTechnopolymer and aluminium body make the XPRO fluid head extremely easy to carry: weighing a mere 0.7 kg and supporting up to 4 kg of payload, it introduces a new design approach that enhances video head transportability. The new MHXPRO-2W comes with the Manfrotto 200PL plate, the most widespread photographic plate

  • MozaMiniMXSmart

    Moza Mini MX Mobile Gimbal


    The MOZA Mini MX, with “Deep Red” anti-shake algorithm, delivers super-smooth professionally stabilized cinematic footage. Whether walking or running, MOZA Mini MX can handle your style of filmmaking. With a maximum payload capacity of 280g/9.9oz, the MOZA Mini MX makes it easy to film even with a large-screen smartphone

  • Nikon EN-EL25

  • Nikon ML-L3 Infrared Remote Control


    Тhіѕ Nіkоn іnfrаrеd МL-L3 rеmоtе соntrоl lеtѕ уоu соntrоl thе ѕhuttеr rеlеаѕе оf ѕресіfіс Nіkоn DЅLR mоdеlѕ frоm а dіѕtаnсе.

    Іt іѕ іdеаl fоr сrеаtіng ѕеlf-роrtrаіtѕ аnd fоr wіldlіfе рhоtоgrарhу, аnd саn hеlр рrеvеnt саmеrа ѕhаkе durіng rеmоtе ѕhuttеr rеlеаѕе. Тhе МL-L3 Rеmоtе Соntrоllеr wіll fіrе thе ѕhuttеr frоm uр tо 5 mеtrеѕ іn frоnt оf thе саmеrа. Тhе МL-L3 Rеmоtе ѕuрроrtѕ thе “bulb” ехроѕurе саmеrа ѕеttіng mаkіng іt а grеаt ассеѕѕоrу fоr ѕhооtіng lоng ехроѕurеѕ, grеаt fоr ѕеаѕсареѕ аnd nіght tіmе рhоtоgrарhу.

    Тhе Nіkоn МL-L3 Rеmоtе Соnrоllеr соmеѕ ѕuррlіеd wіth thе Nіkоn СМL-L3 Роuсh.

  • Nikon SB-5000 Speedlight

    Nikon SB-5000 Speedlight


    The SB-5000 AF Speedlight takes Nikon’s acclaimed Creative Lighting System with Advanced Wireless Lighting to the next level with both traditional optical wireless control and powerful new radio control. Place up to six groups of remote flashes out of view, behind obstacles—even in other rooms—up to 98 feet away. Designed for fast shooting at weddings, commercial shoots or on the red carpet, the SB-5000 AF Speedlight also introduces the world’s first hot-shoe mount flash cooling system for more than 100 consecutive shots at full output, all in a smaller design with streamlined operation.

  • Nikon SB-700 Speedlight

    Nikon SB-700 Speedlight


    The Nikon SB-700 Speedlight is a versatile and easy to use flashgun that it compatible with the full range of Nikon FX and DX SLR cameras and Nikon’s Creative Lighting System. Despite boasting a range of advanced functions including three illumination patterns for total control flash coverage and A:B wireless mode for control of multiple Speedlights, the SB-700 is remarkably simple and intuitive to operate. With its compact size yet advanced features, the Nikon SB-700 Speedlight Flashgun is the ideal piece of kit for tricky lighting situations and creative shooting.

  • Nissin Di600


    The Nissin Di600 Flashgun for Canon DSLRs is aimed at the amateur or semi-professional photographers who require an easy to operate, feature-filled flashgun with simple controls and plenty of power. Suitable for a variety of photography applications at night or during the day, the Nissin Di600 can be used as a fill-in flash to eliminate shadows, to sharpen your subject in low light, to emphasise contrast or to offer a pleasing catch light in the subject’s eyes. The clear LED display on the back ensures settings can be found and adjusted quickly. The Auto Zoom facility spans the 24-105mm range, with a guide number of 44m at 105mm when shooting at ISO 100. The unit also features a 16mm built in wide angle diffuser, together with a fill-in reflector.

    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Nissin Di700 Air Flashgun and Commander Bundle


    Updated and upgraded, the immensely successful and modestly priced Nissin i700 flashgun is simple to operate, but not shy on features. The selector dial and colourful LED control panel are clear and easily operated, and the flash is capable of outputs of up to a Guide Number of 54 with zoom coverage of 24-200mm. There are sockets for PC sync and 3.5mm sync. The head may be rotated and pivoted, and now – based on customer feedback – features rotating lock release buttons. Crucially, the i700 now includes a wireless receiver unit which operates in conjunction with the included Nissin Commander Air 1 hotshoe-mounted controller, enabling remote operation, high speed synchronisation as well as 1st and 2nd curtain triggering. This model is compatible with Sony cameras.

    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Nissin i40


    Don’t be deceived by the Nissin i40’s svelte dimensions: This mini-marvel packs a Guide Number of 40 at 105mm, video lighting adjustable over 9 stops (a real boon at special events at gigs, where you can freely switch between videography and still photography), and a specification replete with high-end features. Although perfectly proportioned for smaller DSLRs and compact system cameras, the i40 is equally at home on full size DSLR models, weighs only 203g and fits easily into a pocket. The flash head features 180° horizontal and 90° vertical rotation and is powered by 4x AA batteries (not included) – which provide sufficient power for over two hundred full-power flashes or three and a half hours of video lighting. Why weigh yourself down, when this little wonder does it all?

    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Nissin i60


    With the capability of to control three groups of flashes in its role as a commander, the Nissin i60 is a powerful, versatile flashgun in a compact design. Its wireless slave TTL functionality can be controlled by another Nissin flash unit or by the Air 1 commander unit, and it has a guide number 60m at ISO 100/200mm, allowing it to cover focal lengths of 24-200mm. This can be expanded to reach 16mm using the integrated wide-angle diffuser. Weighing only 300g, this lightweight, pocket-sized accessory is a great addition to your compact system camera kit.

    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Olympus BLH-1

    • 1720mAh rechargeable lithium‑ion battery
  • Olympus BLS-50


    Тhе Оlуmрuѕ ВLЅ-50 іѕ а 1150 mАh rесhаrgеаblе lіthіum-іоn bаttеrу ѕuіtаblе fоr thе Оlуmрuѕ ОМ-D Е-М10 Маrk ІІ, ОМ-D Е-М10 Маrk ІІІ, ОМ-D Е-М5 Маrk ІІІ аnd Реn Е-РL9. Іt’ѕ оnlу роѕѕіblе tо rесhаrgе thіѕ bаttеrу wіth thе Оlуmрuѕ ВСЅ 5 сhаrgеr.

  • Olympus FCON-P01 Fish Eye Converter

    Sale! Original price was: £149.99.Current price is: £99.99.
  • Olympus FL-900R Flash


    With a dust, splash, and freeze-proof construction to match the weatherproofing of Olympus OM-D cameras, the Olympus FL-900R Flashgun is a high-intensity flash with a maximum guide number of 57. Perfect for lenses with a focal length of 12mm or higher, it is equipped with a wireless mode that enables multi-flash photography with up to 4 flash groups. Furthermore, it has an LED light for movies.

  • Olympus MAL-1 Macro Arm Light

  • Olympus PENPAL PP-1

  • Olympus WCON-P01 Wide Converter

  • OpTech E-Z Comfort Strap

    OpTech E-Z Comfort Strap – Black


    The “no frills” approach to a comfortable and functional neck strap is what OP/TECH USA offers in the E-Z Comfort Strap™. It combines high-quality neoprene, top grade leather and 3/8″ (9,5mm) webbing to give you a simple, yet comfortable strap. Getting down to basics without sacrificing quality is what the E-Z Comfort Strap™ is all about.

    Weight reduction system
    The weight reduction system reduces the stress and strain on your shoulders and neck while actually making your gear feel up to 50% lighter and 100% more comfortable.

    Easy to attach with 3/8″ wide webbing
    The slim design and easy-to-use connection system make this a great strap for binoculars and cameras with two connection points.

    Ideal for neck or shoulder use
    The E-Z Comfort Strap is designed to keep gear close to the body and secure around the neck. If a shoulder strap is preferred, simply move the strap pad to your shoulder.

  • OpTech Pro Strap – Black


    The OpTech Pro Strap is rapidly becoming the choice of professional photographers and people who use large cameras with long heavy lenses. It’s also ideal for use on portable power packs. The patented weight reduction system makes equipment feel 50% lighter and 100% more comfortable. The weight is evenly dispersed while the strap functions as a shock absorber to eliminate neck and shoulder fatigue. The Non Slip Grip™ adds the finishing touch which enables camera gear to be safely carried slung over the shoulder. You’ll definitely feel the difference! The 3/8″ Webbing Connectors give added adjustability and versatility so a camera can be easily worn across the chest if desired.

  • Panasonic DMW-FL220

  • Panasonic DMW-FL360E

  • Panasonic DMW-FL360L

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    Panasonic DMW-MS2 Stereo Shotgun Microphone


    The Panasonic DMW-MS2 Stereo Shotgun Microphone Compatible with Full Frame S1) is an advanced external microphone that suppresses the camera’s motor noise and handling noise, to capture the sound that you’re aiming for. Stereo and shotgun mic switching is done from the menu. 3.5mm diameter minijack terminal.

  • Panasonic DMW-RS2 Shutter Release

    Panasonic DMW-RS2 Shutter Release


    Pressing the shutter button when shooting on a tripod can cause unwanted motion. This accessory solves this issue while making it easy to shoot bursts, or hold the shutter open for extended periods of time. A Start/Stop button is also provided for videography.

  • Panasonic DMW-XLR1 XLR Microphone Adaptor


    The Panasonic DMW-XLR1 XLR Microphone Adaptor for DC-GH5 & Full Frame S1, connects to your Panasonic GH5 via the hotshoe and provides you with two XLR inputs, allowing you to use professional microphones when filming video. It features a control panel with various dials that change the levels, gain, and low cut filter of each input. It also includes a cable clamp, and a shoe mount for using additional accessories.

  • Panasonic DMWBCM13

  • 10l Ash

    Peak Design 10L V2 (Ash)

    • The smallest, lightest bag in our Everyday Line, the all-new Everyday Sling now comes in 6L and 10L sizes so you can pick the perfect companion for minimalist, on-the-go carry of everyday or photo gear.


  • 10L Black

    Peak Design 10L V2 (Black)

    • The smallest, lightest bag in our Everyday Line, the all-new Everyday Sling now comes in 6L and 10L sizes so you can pick the perfect companion for minimalist, on-the-go carry of everyday or photo gear.



    Peak Design 6L (Ash)

    • The smallest, lightest bag in our Everyday Line, the all-new Everyday Sling now comes in 6L and 10L sizes so you can pick the perfect companion for minimalist, on-the-go carry of everyday or photo gear.


  • peak 6l black

    Peak Design 6L (Black)

    • The smallest, lightest bag in our Everyday Line, the all-new Everyday Sling now comes in 6L and 10L sizes so you can pick the perfect companion for minimalist, on-the-go carry of everyday or photo gear.


Showing 201–240 of 269 results